I’ve been talking to small businesses about launching as franchises for more years than I care to admit and, sometimes, I have to tell people they simply aren’t ready. Having a great business model which offers a unique product or service means they certainly have huge potential as a franchise, but making that leap from a small business which has been built from the ground up into the kind of enterprise which can grow on a national scale is not an easy one.
I specialise in creating development plans to help businesses make this leap, but sometimes it can feel like a mammoth task to even get yourself to the starting blocks.
Perhaps you’re experiencing this yourself? If so, help is at hand!
Discover what’s holding you back, and how you can overcome it
There’s a lot of different factors which need to fall into place before a business should consider franchising but, in my experience, the 3 most common things which hold them back are:
- Not knowing how to scale up their business to a good level to franchise from
- Not knowing how to increase their profits
- Not having systems and procedures in place which can be replicated by others
These can all seem like huge stumbling blocks, but there are ways to move past them – and they are absolutely not something you have to tackle alone.
Believe me when I say your small business could be worth its weight in gold as a franchise, but only if you do it right. Building a solid foundation from which to grow is your first key step, and we can help you with this by providing a whole range of services from the purely advisory through to an active role in the day-to-day expansion of your business.
Most importantly, this is not a “one-size-fits-all” service, but rather one which can be tailored entirely to suit your business’ individual needs.

Interested in a free “franchise health check” for your business?
Of course, one of the biggest problems businesses face when looking ahead to a major change like launching as a franchise, is that it can be hard to know what you don’t know. Which is why I am now offering a free consultation to start looking at how your business shapes up against your plans for the future.
The only cost to you is your time, but what we both gain is a clearer understanding of if, and how, we can help each other.
So, why don’t we set up a chat? It’s as simple as clicking the button at the bottom of this email to schedule a call for a time which suits you.

Alan Wilkinson
Head of Franchise Development