First of all, an apology!

After last month’s email about how we can help you with a free audit of your franchise recruitment strategy, we heard that a few of you had trouble scheduling a call with me.

The gremlins got in, I’m afraid, but it’s all fixed now!

So, if you are still interested in learning more about how we can assess your franchise recruitment strategies and offer our advice, just follow this link to my calendar:

Schedule a call about your franchise recruitment strategy

Please remember that you will be under absolutely NO obligation to take things further after that, and the only cost to you is your time. No pressure or sales pitch, just a chance to tap into some professional feedback about your recruitment plans.

Find out more about our franchisee recruitment solutions here

Now, about all those potential leads and how you can tap into them…

At the last 3 major franchising events, such as the recent Franchise Show at Olympia, we were approached by a large number of people at our stand, not just about the services we offer franchisors, but also by those looking to join a franchise.

As you will know, we already provide an advisory service for potential franchisees, as well as a dedicated recruitment consultant to many of our clients to manage their leads. However, over the last year, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of people coming to us for more general advice about what franchises might work for them, but are not asking about a specific brand. Rather, they want help and advise on choosing the right franchise for them.

Since spring of last year, we’ve taken the contact details of more than 500 people who are looking to start their own business through franchising.

So many, in fact, that it is obvious there is a big demand for providing a service which can help these potentially very lucrative leads find the right franchise for them by taking a more pro-active approach in assessing their skills, ambition and personality. From there, they can be introduced to a franchise which will work for them, and for whom they can become a valuable new partner.

Who knows…that franchise may very well be yours!

Which is why we are launching a brand new service: Franchise Matchmaking!

By building on the expert services we already offer to franchisors and franchisees, we’re busy putting together a new offering can turn these 100s of leads, and the 1000s of others out there, into hot leads who are primed and ready to engage with your franchise.

We’ll be making a public announcement about it, and how it works, over the next few months.

Find out more about our Franchise Matchmaking Service

However, if you’d like to get your foot in the door as one of the shortlist of featured franchises we will be putting front of all these leads, there’s no need to wait.

I’m happy to go into more details with you over a quick call. I really do think this is going to be a major game changer when it comes to how we all do franchisee recruitment in the future.

Just click the button below to schedule a call.

I look forward to hearing from you.

John Overdijking

Franchise Recruitment Specialist & Partner

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