

Yesterday was the BFA Chairman’s charity day where eight teams battled it out.  Although frustratingly, I couldn't make it, it’s got me thinking about teams. I think we might all be guilty of assuming that a collection of people automatically become a...

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Then to Now…40 Years of Franchise World

2018 marks the 40th Year of Franchise World, who are the UK's oldest franchising magazine and seen by many as one of the most newsworthy and informative. The Franchising Centre (TFC) and Franchise World have had a close relationship for almost the entire...

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Latest appointments by By Laura Knowlson (Business Editor) THE Franchising Centre has welcomed two new starters to the York-headquartered business. Robert and Richard Dancy join The Franchising Centre as franchise development and recruitment consultants. They will...

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The Right Move

How do you know which franchise will work well for you? Alan Wilkinson on the questions you should ask yourself So you have decided that you want to take on a franchise, but you’re not sure which, of the 900-plus brands available in the UK franchise...

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