
Let’s Debate to Agree on Franchise Terminology

A topic I have broached before - who on earth started the trend of calling franchisees "franchise owners"?Similarly, what's with the term "master franchisor" when describing the foreign party to an international franchise agreement?I have even seen...

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Seasons Greetings…and a Look Back on a Memorable Year

As we approach the end of 2018 The Franchising Centre can look back on a year of challenges and triumphs, topped off by being recognised as the British Franchise Association’s Affiliate and Supplier Team of the Year. I’ve written elsewhere about there...

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Where Have They All Gone?

By Brian Duckett. Published in Franchise World Magazine (Dec/Jan issue) When I attended the recent European Multi-Unit and Master Franchise Conference in London, one of my consultant colleagues from the U.S. made an interesting statement which he followed...

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Planning and Goal Setting

As a coach and facilitator, I work with businesses and individuals by helping them create visions for their businesses, their future and inevitably, this leads on to setting objectives or goals for the long, medium and short-term. Generally, as a society,...

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A Day In The Life of Our Chairman, Brian Duckett

Most mornings I’m awake by 6 a.m. and listening to John Humphries and his colleagues on Radio 4’s Today programme. A cup of strong coffee sees me in my home office by 6.30 where I’ll catch up on overnight e-mails from colleagues around the world or even...

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