Is Franchising The Right Way For You?
In the UK alone, hundreds of businesses enjoy great success and profitability having chosen franchising as the best way to go and we at The Franchising Centre have been in the forefront of helping many of those companies for over 20 years. Franchising, when structured correctly, is one of the least risky ways of expanding compared to most other methods to help businesses grow.
So why is this? Well there are a number of benefits to a franchised business that cannot be enjoyed by non-franchised businesses.

So, what are these benefits?
Use Other People's Money
Fewer Responsibilities and Commitments
Greater commitment to business growth than might be achieved from employed staff
Quicker and Less-Risky Growth
Increased Value of Your Business
Local Knowledge
Marketing Firepower
Group Buying Strength
De-Risking Your Business
On the other hand, if the same network is franchised, you’re cushioned from the effects of a down-turn. Which, by the way, is why so few franchise systems fail during recessions in comparison to wholly company-owned networks.